MyRWA Welcomes Alejandra Narváez as Operations Manager


Introducing Alejandra Narváez, the Mystic River Watershed Association’s new Operations Manager! As Operations Manager, Alejandra will lead MyRWA’s administrative and operational efforts, providing crucial support for MyRWA team members and external partners.

Join us in getting to know Alejandra with this fun Q and A:

Q: Tell us about an experience that has led you here:

A: Previously I have worked in native plant botanic gardens, where a lot of our work involved habitat management, along with engagement of our visitors. Through that I learned a lot about the importance of community engagement and education in habitat preservation. I feel the work MyRWA does really centers around this, and I am very happy to continue on that mission.

Q: What do you do when you aren't working?

A: When I’m not working I love hanging out with my dog Pascal, taking walks to explore, having picnics by bodies of water, and reading good books! I like spending as much time outside as possible, and love to garden or take care of my plants when I can.

Q: What would be a great superhuman ability (power) you would like to have?

A: The superhuman power I would choose is teleportation! Then I would get to visit all the cool but remote habitats I’ve always wanted to see. Also, no carbon footprint of traveling there!

Q: What is your favorite place?

A: My favorite place is definitely my family’s small cattle farm back home in Colombia. I spent a lot of time there growing up and it is where I fostered my love for exploring nature, mountains, playing in brooks, and engaging with the animals that live there.

Q: What part of your job are you most excited about?

A: I am most excited to work with people who care about the environment around them and see nature as something to protect and engage with. I really look forward to collaborating with them on engaging our watershed residents and helping MyRWA’s mission be active in our community.

Have questions or want to introduce yourself? Send Alejandra an email at .