This year, the Mystic River Watershed Association has been hard at work advancing green infrastructure projects in cities and towns across the watershed. In particular, we have been focused on a small but effective type of infrastructure underneath our roadways called a stormwater infiltration trench.
MyRWA's Letter on the Designated Port Area Review and Regulatory Update
Seeking River Herring Monitors
Nasser Brahim Joins MyRWA as Director of Climate Resilience
Meet the MyRWA Climate Leaders
Federal Funding Freezes: Impact on Your Watershed
Protector, Provider, Nurturer — Many Ways You Can Support The Watershed Through Garden Practices!
CSOs on the Mystic 2024
Introducing MyRWA's New Artist in Residence - Andres Duarte
January 2025 Kicks Off a Big Year for Water Quality
A big year for water quality in the Mystic River watershed has kicked off this January, first with a public meeting about Combined Sewer Overflows and now with upcoming meetings and public comment periods for two highly significant draft permits from the EPA. Resulting from a decade of hard work to better understand water quality in the Mystic, these permits will enforce stormwater pollution regulations and pave the way for a cleaner Mystic River for generations to come. Join us at the next public hearing on January 28th at 6:30 pm to make your voice heard for clean water.