Mystic River Watershed

The Mystic River Watershed covers 76 square miles or roughly 1% of the land area of Massachusetts. It includes all the land area that drains into the Mystic River. Its headwaters begin in Reading, MA and flow to Boston Harbor. There are 44 lakes and ponds within the watershed. The 21 communities within the Mystic River watershed include:

Arlington | Belmont | Boston | (Charlestown & East Boston) | Burlington | Cambridge | Chelsea | Everett | Lexington | Malden | Medford | Melrose | Reading | Revere | Somerville | Stoneham | Wakefield | Watertown | Wilmington | Winchester | Winthrop | Woburn 

MYRWA Projects Map

See where we’re working in the watershed! Click here to explore our past and present on-the-ground projects and regional initiatives.

Mystic Greenways

Greenways are safe and accessible routes for walking, biking, and rolling that connect people to places, nature, and each other. The Mystic Greenways Initiative will connect 25 miles of paths, improve hundreds of acres of parklands and engage thousands of community members from the Mystic Lakes to the Boston Harbor. Learn more about the Mystic Greenways project.

Green infrastructure

We are constructing green infrastructure solutions to stormwater pollution in the Mystic. Green infrastructure is a cost-effective, nature-based approach to managing pollution flowing into our waterways. It includes built solutions like rain gardens, green roofs, permeable pavement, and even constructed wetlands — all of which catch water before it enters drains, removing pollution before it reaches our rivers, lakes, and streams. Click here to explore where solutions are being built. Click here to see the story map.

Water Quality Map

Each year the US Environmental Protection Agency issues a water quality grade for the Mystic River and its tributaries. Grades are based on data collected by our water quality monitors. Learn more about the water quality.

Wicked hot mystic

To help better understand where extreme heat and urban heat islands are, we conducted a heat mapping campaign called Wicked Hot Mystic. In the summer of 2021, 80 volunteers collected heat and air quality temperatures along 17 car routes and 2 bike routes,  at 4 different times. Data collected by volunteers in the 21 cities of the Mystic River watershed created a map of heat islands and places people can go to cool off. See the results here!

The map now informs our regional cooling campaign, called Wicked Cool Mystic.

Environmental Justice in the Mystic

Approximately—75% of the watershed residents in 51% of the land area are defined as environmental justice by the Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affair (EEA). These residents have greater exposure to pollution and corresponding health risks, have limited access to parks and paths, face the greatest threats due to the changing climate  and have been excluded from conversations about how to improve their local environment. Learn more about environmental justice in the Mystic River watershed here.

Explore the Mystic River Watershed

Use this interactive map to locate public boat launches along the Malden and Mystic Rivers, as well as the many walking trails and places to fish in the Mystic River watershed. Find more information here.