There is no denying that human health and the environment are connected. And it was through this concern about protecting human health that Minka became interested in her local environment.
A big THANK YOU to Kyle McGinley and Eagle Troop 507 who got in canoes and cleaned trash on the Mystic River's edge from the Medford Crew docks to the Rt. 16 Bridge past Medford Square.
The eighth year of water chestnut removal came to a close this month. Over the course of 13 events, 556 amazing volunteers worked from canoes to hand-pull more than 57 tons of invasive plant material from the Mystic River and Arlington Reservoir. Thanks to all who lent a hand!
The Mystic River Watershed Association in partnership with the Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries estimated that 630,000 river herring migrated upstream to spawn at the Mystic Lakes this year.
As part of its 45th anniversary celebration this year, MyRWA has created the Mystic Quest, a fun way to explore, discover and enjoy the watershed however you wish.