
Image Credit: Offshoots Productive Landscapes, LLC.

Greenways are safe and accessible routes for walking, biking, and rolling that connect people to places, nature, and each other.

The Mystic Greenways Initiative will connect 25 miles of paths, improve hundreds of acres of parklands and engage thousands of community members from the Mystic Lakes to the Boston Harbor.

A high-quality network of greenways will enhance climate resiliency, provide sustainable mobility, and improve physical and mental health outcomes for the more than 600,000 residents of the watershed.

The Mystic River Watershed Association is leading this vision and creating a roadmap to transforming these waterfront parklands with full participation from area residents.

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Nature and green spaces should be accessible to everyone. In reality, however, we know there are disparities in how nature’s benefits are accessed and experienced. We’re well on our way towards the Mystic Greenway vision—with a strong focus on addressing lack of access to greenspace in environmental justice communities within the watershed.

There are dozens of projects in design and construction, from a brand new waterfront park with athletic fields to a shared-use path completing the missing link of the recreation and transportation network along the Mystic.



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Open space improvements at Blessing of the Bay Park guided by a community-driven revitalization plan.

Providing universally accessible recreation opportunities along, and improve the ecological health of, the Mystic Lakes and Mystic River in Arlington, Winchester and West Medford.


A community-driven effort to connect Charlestown residents to the Lower Mystic River.

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Working with community members to create a connected greenway and new parks along the Malden River in Medford, Malden and Everett.


This ambitious effort is made possible by partnerships with all types of stakeholders across the watershed. We are working collaboratively with the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR), Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT), dozens of municipalities and many local community groups and citizens. We are grateful for the philanthropic and thought leadership from the Barr Foundation, the Conine Family Foundation, the Hamilton Charitable Foundation, Llewellyn Foundation, and the Lawrence and Lillian Solomon Foundation.

For more information: Karl Alexander, Greenways Program Manager,, 781-316-3438.