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Thirteen people strike funny poses in front of a black iron fence. A large lake is in the background surrounded by green trees.

MyRWA Staff at the Mystic Lakes

THere are no open opportunities at this time

MyRWA seeks to be representative, at all job levels, of the people we serve in our watershed. We are an equal opportunity employer and we encourage applications from people of color, LGBTQIA people, people living with disabilities, military veterans, re-entry citizens and other under-represented populations.

MyRWA does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability in its program or activities.

MyRWA is prepared to accommodate applicants with impaired vision and/or hearing. Please call, mail, or email us to notify of a concern that you have about accessing information, submitting information or participating in job interviews. If you know of someone who is having difficulties accessing materials, please email us at and/or call us at (617) 865-6580.