Design Your Parks: Upcoming Public Workshops

Attention local advocates!

As part of our Mystic Greenways Initiative MyRWA is leading two shoreline restoration projects—Mill Brook and Wellington Park, and Blessing of the Bay—and  we are asking for your input! When you contribute ideas YOU help inform future designs and bring valued improvements to your neighborhood. Do you want picnic tables? Better paths? Increased tree canopy? Let us know at our upcoming public workshops:

  • Mill Brook and Wellington Park, Arlington | 3/08, 6:00pm-7:30pm. More details and RSVP here.

  • Blessing of the Bay, Somerville | 3/21, 6:30pm-8:00pm. More details and RSVP here.

If you can’t make the public meetings but would still like to give feedback, you can complete the Mill Brook and Wellington Park visioning survey (TBA) or the Blessing of the Bay visioning survey here.

You can also still review the DCR Mystic Crossing Pedestrian/Bike Bridge proposal and make comments here by Wednesday, March 7th.