Make a call to protect public land

We are fortunate in the Mystic River Watershed to have extensive park land adjacent to the Mystic river. Preserving these lands provides us with recreational opportunities and wildlife habitat. Conservation land also plays a key role in mitigating impacts of climate change. 

Much of the land around the Mystic is owned by the Commonwealth. When a city, town or the Commonwealth wishes to sell or convert parkland it must be approved by the state legislature. Often times these votes come at the end of a legislative session and receive no public scrutiny-- resulting in a loss of public space.

The Public Lands Preservation Act (PLPA) will add transparency to this process and codify the existing no-net-loss of public lands policy. The bill requires that land comparable in size, location and environmental value be offered to replace any land lost. 

Please take action today. Call or email your state Senator requesting them to ask Vice Chair DiDomenico to issue a favorable report on the PLPA bill as soon as possible. A sample script is below. You can also click "learn more" to view the fact sheet.


Dear Senator ______________,

I am calling/writing to communicate my support for the Public Lands Preservation Act (PLPA, S. 2181), a bill which would provide needed protection for our public parks, playgrounds, forests and other natural resource land.

This legislation is important to me because ______________________.

[Include reasons why the PLPA is important to you. For example: You are concerned about protecting water supplies. The local playground is where your kids play, and you don’t want to lose it. Or public open space in your town  provides the only public out-door recreation space for residents.]

Please ask Chairwoman Spilka and Vice Chair DiDomenico to issue a favorable report on the PLPA as soon as possible.
