Daria Clark Joins MyRWA as Engagement Manager


Introducing Daria Clark, the Mystic River Watershed Association’s new Engagement Manager! Daria is eager to get to know you all and wanted to do a Q and A to share a bit about herself and why she’s excited to take on this role.

Q: Tell us about an experience that has led you here:

A: I first got involved with habitat restoration when I was 13. Initially, I started going as part of a life sciences class but ended up staying on to volunteer after the semester finished...and for five more years after that. I realized that I LOVED getting to spend time outside in local parks and found great fulfillment in bringing people together to improve the natural spaces around us.

Q: What’s something interesting about you that we wouldn’t learn from your resume alone?

A: Growing up, my family fostered stray cats and kittens (over 90 in total)! This helped nurture my admiration for all creatures big and small.

Q: What do you do when you aren't working?

A: I love crafting and am currently learning silk embroidery! You can also often find me walking or biking along the river. I really enjoy hiking, but am notoriously slow because I can’t help taking frequent stops to snap pictures of awesome plants, fungi and wildlife!

Q: What is your favorite place?

A: I grew up along the Southern California coast so I am always happiest when I’m near bodies of water (such as the Mystic River!). Additionally, my Master’s thesis was on organisms from the tidepools in Nahant, MA, so that beach will always have a special place in my heart. 

Q: What part of your job are you most excited about?

A: I’m most excited about working on opportunities for volunteers to become leaders in our organization, focusing especially on expanding opportunities for underrepresented communities. Volunteers are what brings MyRWA’s mission to life and I’m excited to work on new ways to incorporate your ideas and interests into MyRWA’s work.

Have questions or want to introduce yourself? Send Daria an email at Daria.Clark@mysticriver.org.