RMC Recognized by the Environmental Business Council of New England

On June 10, 2021, the Environmental Business Council of New England (EBC) presented the Environmental Merit Award for Leadership by a Non-Profit Organization to the Resilient Mystic Collaborative (RMC) in recognition of the incredible partnership of the 20 communities in the Mystic River Watershed working together to protect their people and places from climate-intensified risks.

 Within 18 months of its founding, the RMC raised over $2.5 million in regional climate resilience funding to support regional stormwater flood management, storm-hardening critical regional infrastructure, next-generation coastal flood management, and closing climate equity gaps among residents and workers based on race and income. 

About the EBC EBEE Awards: Each year, the EBC recognizes companies, organizations, and individuals for outstanding environmental and energy accomplishments in the promotion of a sustainable, clean environment through the EBEE Awards Celebration. These awards were established by the EBC to encourage companies, government agencies, non-profit organizations, and environmental professionals to serve as models for others to emulate and, in doing so, further the mission and objectives of the EBC. The Environmental Merit Award for Service to the Environmental Industry was established by resolution of the Board of Directors on February 5, 2001 in recognition of outstanding environmental leadership by a non-profit organization.

