October Donor Highlight: Regi Endriukaitis

A Malden native, surfer and environmental activist, we are lucky to have Regi Endriukaitis as a MyRWA volunteer and supporter. 


A big concern for Regi: Trash and keeping it out of our parks, rivers and ultimately the ocean.  Regi has gone out on a solo trash removal mission to clean up near the Everett canoe launch. According to Regi, “that river is magical. Just needs the trash gone.” 

Like many folks, Regi found out about the Mystic River Watershed Association by attending one of our volunteer events. From that one event he started attending other events such as the water chestnut removals. Together with the efforts of other groups of volunteers throughout the day helped remove 322 baskets of water chestnuts from the river. 

After a long day of clean ups and work, he finds peace in spending his time in various areas within the watershed. The Upper Mystic Lakes and the Fells are a few places that Regi enjoys spending his time. These days Regi goes there to either bike along the trails, drive into the upper mystic lake or enjoy a morning day of Kayak fishing. We are hopeful that many community members can come out and enjoy these areas too.