Annual Meeting draws a crowd - and check out our award recipients!

On Thursday, October 24th MyRWA hosted the 2013 Annual Meeting along the Aberjona River at Winchester Town Hall. Julie Wormser, Executive Director of The Boston Harbor Association, gave the keynote address. Ms. Wormser spoke about climate change predictions to the Boston area, noting that much of Boston will be impacted by rising tides and storm surges. She also provided examples of smart design to plan for these scenarios. Over 70 people attended the meeting and also heard from MyRWA staff about successes over the past year and voted for the 2014 slate of Board of Directors. Thanks to all who attended the meeting!

Thank you Whole Foods Market of Woburn for donating food for the meeting!

The Five Year Monitoring Award recognizes volunteers who have participated in MyRWA's Baseline Monitoring Program for five years. This year, MyRWA was happy to recognize Robin Watkins, Damian Musello, and Pete Howard for their dedication and service!

David Mussina of Medford received the Volunteer of the Year Award for his dedication to MyRWA this year and for the past several years. David donates his professional photography skills to the association throughout the year, attending most of MyRWA’s events. These high quality images are used in MyRWA publications both online and in print, and are a valuable asset in telling the Mystic’s story. David also serves on the Policy Committee where he has taken a lead role in our advocacy efforts surrounding herring.

The Ripple Award of dedication and appreciation was awarded to Maria Simoneau. This award highlights the work and impact of an individual to their community, where they “send out ripples” for the greater good. Maria became involved with MyRWA in 2007 as a water quality monitor and shortly thereafter served on the Board of Directors for four years. Maria transformed the outreach efforts of the Association, helping with the annual Herring Run and Paddle, assisting with membership communications and strategies, developing communications and PR best practices, and serving as Outreach Committee Chair.  Maria is now an active member of MyRWA’s Clean Water Campaign Committee. Maria is also an engaged community member and no stranger to grassroots activism. Beyond the river, Maria is also involved with Sustainable Arlington, climate change and peace organizations.

EkOngKar Singh Khalsa and Mayor McGlynn at the 2013 Annual Meeting.Mayor Michael McGlynn of Medford received the Mystic Municipal Leadership Award. Mayor McGlynn received the award due to his consistent support of making improvements to the river, including securing additional funding to combat the invasive water chestnut.  The Mayor has been instrumental in making improvements at the Condon Shell and Clippership Drive Park and promoting path connectivity.  During the Mayor’s tenure, he has brought to the forefront the importance of embracing the Mystic River which flows through Medford center.