Special Presentation: How do you value ecosystem restoration?

From 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on December 1st, MyRWA will be joined by Nick Wildman, Restoration Specialist with the MA Dept. of Fish & Game, Div. of Ecological Restoration. Mr. Wildman will present a synopsis of the Report on the Economic Benefits of Ecological Restoration. We will learn more about the concept of ecosystem service valuation and its application in the context of the state’s restoration activities.

This special presentation is part of the monthly Mystic River Watershed Association Committee Meeting. After the presentation the Committee will break into two groups: the Policy Committee and the Clean Water Campaign Committee. Please join us for this free, informational meeting! 

Mystic River Watershed Association Committee Meeting, 7-9PM
Tufts University, Lincoln Filene Center, Rabb Room, 10 Upper Campus Road, Medford

#GivingTuesday December 1st

MyRWA has joined #GivingTuesday, a first of its kind effort that will harness the collective power of a unique blend of partners – charities, families, businesses and individuals – to transform how people think about, talk about and participate in the giving season. Coinciding with the Thanksgiving Holiday and the kickoff of the holiday shopping season, #GivingTuesday will inspire people to take collaborative action to improve their local communities, give back in better, smarter ways to the charities and causes they support and help create a better world.

This #GivingTuesday, MyRWA is thankful for our many volunteers, members, and supporters. We are launching the start of our End of Year fundraising in conjunction with #GivingTuesday on Tuesday, December 1st. Please make a special donation on December 1st in support of a healthy Mystic River watershed!

MyRWA Joins Two Coalitions

MyRWA is happy to share that we recently joined two coalitions.

The Massachusetts Climate Change Adaptation Coalition is comprised of engineers, architects, planners, and conservation and environmental organizations working to reduce the Commonwealth’s vulnerability to the impacts of climate change.

Mass Power Forward works to ensure that Massachusetts adopts an energy policy that supports local renewable energy resources, keeps energy dollars in our communities, creates good green jobs and protects our Commonwealth from climate change and life-threatening pollution.

Somerville Climate Action: Tiny House Presentation with Tiny House Northeast

Join Somerville Climate Action, tiny house enthusiasts, and those who want to live smaller (and happier!) on Wednesday, November 11th for an evening tiny house presentation by Tiny House Northeast.

The more sustainable "tiny house" approach to home ownership presented to us through mostly commercial media has set a segment of American culture on fire! We love the idea of a more affordable, greener housing option. Tiny House Northeast's project manager/lead designer, Isa Bauer C., will offer a view into the real world advantages and challenges of a tiny home. It's a lot more complicated than the TV shows make it appear!

The presentation will help you learn whether this lifestyle is for you, and if it is, what ducks you need to get in order to help make your tiny house journey a success. An area will also be marked off in the size of a tiny house floor plan, so you can get a sense of the space you are working with,  how to add "components", etc.

Community Stormwater Solutions (MA Watershed Coalition)

11/18 Community Stormwater Solutions (register online)

Please join the MA Watershed Coalition for Cost-Effective Community Stormwater Solutions on Wednesday, November 18, 5 - 8:30 pm, at the Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI).

Polluted runoff is the leading cause for damages to local waters.  Fortunately, there are efficient ways to prevent and fix stormwater problems that impact property, harm aquatic life and spoil uses of streams, lakes and water supplies.

This meeting of the MA Watershed Coalition will feature expert speakers on Low-Impact Development, urban stream renewal, BMP site selection, stormwater assistance programs and the costs of runoff remedies.  Town officials, highway departments, lake associations, watershed groups, home-builders, stormwater committees and concerned citizens will gain practical guidance to help their communities remove more stormwater pollution for less cost.

The $10 registration fee (free for students) includes meeting materials and refreshments.  You can view meeting details and register online at Eventbrite.

For more information, email mwc@commonwaters.org or telephone (978) 534-0379.

Friends of Alewife Reservation Permitting News

MyRWA received this press release from the Friends of Alewife Reservation (FAR).

 Please join us in manual labor and much spirit, as FAR begins its Fall season in its continuing stewardship of Alewife Reservation and its 130 acres of threatened wetland, woodlands and meadow.  Over the summer several community service work parties together have been busy with  watershed studies, youth educational projects, and control over invasive species in the Alewife sub-watershed property.  This summer’s 9th annual student ecology camp sponsored by FAR produced a professional level assessment of Little River adjacent to Alewife Brook which flows into the Mystic River. Youth assessed its water quality (noted by several forums to be the worst in the Commonwealth of D- grade), river contour, flow,  development and flooding threats which come from the Boston Harbor. The 100 year floodplain  is measured as the lowest sea elevation in Cambridge (5 feet above sea level at the Alewife T), noted by the completed official city Vulnerability Assessment Study, and revealed at MIT city presentation last February as our most flood prone area, especially if a ‘Sandy’ occurrence were to happen on our local coastline. Plans for permitting and implementation of the River Restore Project are in process. State and municipal agencies have been sent the report asking for circulation of the report, more official public data and relevant municipal plans for watershed improvement.

The Commonwealth’s Department of Conservation and Recreation recently renewed a stewardship permit for Lesley University, FAR and its volunteer from Harvard Herbarium to expand its experimental soils restoration and plant cover project  in the Blair Pond meadow, adjacent to the rich birding habitat, and  surrounded by impressive tall canopy tree grove cover,  integral to the 130 acres of rare urban wild which benefits the Mystic River watershed, and the towns of Arlington, Belmont, cities of Cambridge and Somerville not to mention home to the 20 species of mammals and 90 bird species.  The meadow is on the West Cambridge/East Belmont border.

Under this permit volunteers will establish test plots to 1) demonstrate the potential of reseeding with native indigenous species, and 2) to demonstrate effectiveness of permacultural  methods via improving soil health.  In late September visitors to the Blair Pond area will note plot delineation, purpose and goals, for upgrading existing soil conditions which will increase the natural value of the western most part of Alewife Reservation and the watershed it serves as a vital floodplain for Boston metropolis and in general the US east coast. Presently DCR and Commuter Rail plan flood retention protection surrounding Blair Pond along the railroad tracks.

Friends of Alewife Reservation seeks advice and manual assistance from neighbors and others interested in restoration and maintenance of this hidden gem in the heart of North Cambridge.  To offer your suggestions and support please contact FAR office at: 617 415 1884 or info@friendsofalewifereservation.org or Ellen Mass at 617 290-4864.


Tufts Lunch & Learn Program to Focus on Migratory Fish & Dams

For more information about this Tufts University program see http://as.tufts.edu/environmentalStudies/lunch/#oct22

The Dammed: Getting fish back into American rivers by chipping away at dams

Thursday, October 22, 2015, 12pm
Tufts, Lincoln Filene Center, Rabb Room, 10 Upper Campus Road, Medford

Becky Kessler, Environmental journalist and Editor, Mongabay

U.S. rivers once teemed with migratory fish making their way between the salty ocean and inland freshwater bodies: alewives, blueback herring, shad, salmon, trout, smelt, eels, lamprey, sturgeon, and others. But the installation of thousands of dams, culverts, and other barriers helped squeeze the fish flow to a trickle. Populations of 24 North Atlantic migratory fish species are now down to less than 10 percent of their historic size, and half are down to less than 2 percent, by one estimate. New England alone has no fewer than 25,000 dams, many of them dating to the 1700s, and more than you might expect in derelict and crumbling condition. Little by little, people are considering taking out some of these dams, with an eye to easing passage for fish, as well as generally improving rivers' health. But dam removal often runs into blockages of its own, and we'll talk about old (bad) and new (better) ways of getting fish over dams when that happens. On the east coast, flagship river restoration is taking place on the Penobscot in Maine, combining several strategies to improve fishes' odds of making it past the 13 dams that once choked its flow: dam removal, dam bypass, and better fish passageways. Enlightenment may be dawning in the U.S., but globally, dusk is descending for many riverine fish and peoples. We'll zoom out and look at the global dam-building frenzy that is transforming entire river networks in a quest for "green" energy, including the Yangtze and Amazon river basins, where roughly 250 dams are being planned or are under construction.

Rebecca Kessler is an editor at the environmental news website Mongabay.com, where she covers all aspects of our changing planet with a particular zeal for the ocean, environmental conflict, and indigenous peoples. A former freelance science and environmental journalist and senior editor at Natural History magazine, her writing has appeared in The New York Times, The Boston Globe Magazine, Yale Environment 360, Conservation, Discover, ScienceNOW, ScienceInsider, and Environmental Health Perspectives. She lives in Providence, Rhode Island.

Special Presentation: East Boston Advancing Resiliency Report

From 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on October 6th, MyRWA will be joined by Jordan Zimmerman, an architect with Arrowstreet, who will present the findings of the East Boston Advancing Resiliency Report. The report is a publication of the Urban Land Institute Boston/New England chapter.

This technical assistance panel report is the result of work by a panel of professionals in architecture, public policy, real estate law, landscape architecture, engineers, and planning. The panelists focus was on identifying vulnerabilities due to rising sea levels and opportunities for resiliency and adaptation planning in East Boston.

This special presentation is part of the monthly Mystic River Watershed Association Committee Meeting. After the presentation the Committee will break into two groups: the Policy Committee and the Clean Water Campaign Committee. Please join us for this free, informational meeting!

Tuesday, October 6th, 7:00-9:00 p.m.
Arlington Town Hall, 730 Massachusetts Avenue, Arlington, MA - Selectmen's Hearing Room, 2nd floor

Somerville DePaving Party!


This announcement is from Somerville Climate Action.

We love the beautiful greenery in our neighborhoods, our sacred place, home to wildlife and all of us.

Help Barbara & Paul transform their yard so that it soaks up the rain! 

Join us at their Depaving Party!


WHEN: Saturday, OCT 3th (raindate: Sunday, Oct 4th), from 11:00 - 1:00.

WHERE: Depaving Party Hosts - Barbara & Paul's at 18 Kelly Rd., Cambridgeport

ORGANIZERS: Lenni & Cador from Somerville Climate Action


Please sign up: 



** Massage Therapist Phil Buchanan will be generously offering FREE MASSAGE for depavers! **



* Reverse dehydration of the soil by allowing the rain to soak in

* Cool the air in the summer by decreasing the urban island heat effect through evapotranspiration

* Decrease water pollution by purifying stormwater naturally

* Increase air quality by removing particulate pollutants from the air

* Benefit from the beauty of a green space with a garden or habitat for birds & insects