MyRWA's trained water monitors sampling the Mystic RiverThe Mystic River Watershed received a grade of "D" for water quality conditions for the calendar year 2012 as part of the US EPA's annual Mystic River Report Card. The grade is based on bacterial contamination as measured by data collected by MyRWA’s Baseline Monitoring Program.  This grade indicates that water quality met swimming standards 47 percent of the time, while boating standards were met 75 percent of the time.

When assessing water quality to assign a grade to the Mystic River Watershed, the EPA uses an average of overall percentages that met the state criteria for swimming and boating (for 2012, it is 61%), as well as qualitative criteria that are similar to those developed for the Charles River Initiative. Mystic River Watershed samples are taken throughout the entire watershed, including in tributaries before they discharge into the main stem of the river.  It is important to note, that the data confirm the main stem of the Mystic River and the Mystic Lakes remain safe and rewarding destinations for recreational boating and for safe swimming in designated areas.  

EkOngKar Singh Khalsa, Executive Director of the Mystic River Watershed Association, said, “Unfortunately this year’s grade reflects that in 2012, the Mystic River system as a whole was deeply compromised by bacterial contamination exacerbated by bouts of wet weather. The Mystic River Watershed Association will continue to gather essential water quality information to assist stakeholders and to support efficient deployment of local resources.  It is hoped that future water quality data will soon reflect improvements in local environmental conditions, resulting from recent efforts to reduce sewage inputs and remove bacterial contamination from municipal stormwater discharges.”

Read the EPA report here.

DePAVE the WAY with Somerville Climate Action!

Take part in the greening of Somerville

for clean water, healthy soil & natural beauty

Cador & Lenni from Somerville Climate Action are organizing a Depaving Party:

* * Saturday Sept. 7th from 11:00 to 1:00pm * *

Gwen Ruta's house at 9 Banks Street (right behind the Porter Square Shopping Center)

Rain date: Sunday, Sept. 8th from 11:00 to 1:00pm

Please sign up on this Google Groups form to let us know you'll be there.

For safety, we ask all active participants to be at least 14 years old.

Younger children must be supervised by a parent at all times at the event.

See the TEDxSomerville DePAVE the WAY video:

Check out the time-lapse Depaving Maple Avenue video:

For a high-energy party we need:

* Hands-on work:

- Wield a sledgehammer and pick axe to pry up the asphalt

- Haul chunks of asphalt in a wheelbarrow to the dumpster

* Tasty food

* Energizing music

* Help in organizing volunteers

* Help organize publicity

* Organize clean-up

* Organize safe participatory activities for kids under 14

* Provide live entertainment - play music

Come to meet great people and add to the merriment!

Invite everyone you know!

Sept. 10: Friends of the Malden River Meeting

What is your vision for the Malden River? Please join the newly formed Friends of the Malden River for a meeting with special guests John Preotle, Founder, Preotle, Lane and Associates and James Errickson, Executive Director, Department of Planning and Development at the City of Everett. Preotle and Errickson will talk about current and planned projects along the Malden River.

Join us for a public meeting...

Tuesday September 10, 2013, 6:30 - 8:00pm

Everett City Hall, Keverian Room

484 Broadway, Everett, MA

Join an enthusiastic group of residents from Malden, Everett, and Medford in advocating for improvements to the Malden River!

Questions? Call Beth at the Mystic River Watershed Association at 781-316-3438.
For more information see:

Call for Submissions: Volunteer of The Year

Do you know a MyRWA volunteer who goes above and beyond? Here at MyRWA, we rely upon the gracious efforts of our volunteers throughout the year and for a variety of projects. Each year, we select one volunteer to honor at our annual meeting (October 2013).

Who is your volunteer extraordinaire of 2013? Please submit your nomination of someone who has performed significant work towards protecting and restoring the Mystic River Watershed. This person could be a volunteer at MyRWA or another organization, but must be working to improve environmental conditions in the Mystic River Watershed.

Submit your proposals to or by calling Beth at 781-316-3438.

Please include:

  • Your full name, email address and phone number.

  • Full name, email address and phone number (if you have it) of your suggestion for Volunteer of the Year. Include a short explanation of this person’s contribution to a healthier Mystic River Watershed.

  • Volunteer of the Year nominations are due by Monday, September 16, 2013.

An Act Promoting Awareness For Safe Recreation In Public Waterways

MyRWA is happy to support this proposed bill, as it ties in with the Mystic River Clean Water Campaign. This bill would institute a statewide sewage discharge notification system so that MA residents will know when their rivers are safe for recreation and when Combined Sewer Overflow discharges make them unsafe. Stay tuned for upcoming action alerts to support this initiative!

Read more here:

National stormwater calculator helps manage stormwater runoff

The US EPA’s new calculator will help property owners, developers, landscapers, and urban planners make informed land-use decisions to protect local waterways from pollution caused by stormwater runoff. Preventing stormwater runoff, which can impact drinking water resources and local ecosystems, protects people’s health and the environment.

Read the full press release here.

More information about the National Stormwater Calculator:

Clean Harbors Releases Oil Spill Immediate Response Action Plan Report

In response to the May 31st oil spill in Arlington, MA, Clean Harbors has released Oil Spill Immediate Response Action Plan Report.


No. 2 Fuel Oil Release

188 Medford Street (at Mystic Valley Parkway)

Arlington, Massachusetts

DEP Release Tracking Number: 3-31576

CHES Job No.: EO5401971

Download the report here (282 pages).

New Mystic River Guide Coming This Fall

Suffolk Professor and MyRWA member Rick Beinecke will publish a new book, The Mystic River: A Natural & Human History this fall. The book is approximately 280 pages long, and includes detailed historical and recreational information for the towns of Winchester, Arlington, Cambridge, Medford, Malden, Somerville, Everett, Charlestown & Chelsea. MyRWA is happy to support Ricks' efforts in bringing attention to the Mystic!

Email for information on the book’s publication and visit: