DePAVE the WAY with Somerville Climate Action!

Take part in the greening of Somerville

for clean water, healthy soil & natural beauty

Cador & Lenni from Somerville Climate Action are organizing a Depaving Party:

* * Saturday Sept. 7th from 11:00 to 1:00pm * *

Gwen Ruta's house at 9 Banks Street (right behind the Porter Square Shopping Center)

Rain date: Sunday, Sept. 8th from 11:00 to 1:00pm

Please sign up on this Google Groups form to let us know you'll be there.

For safety, we ask all active participants to be at least 14 years old.

Younger children must be supervised by a parent at all times at the event.

See the TEDxSomerville DePAVE the WAY video:

Check out the time-lapse Depaving Maple Avenue video:

For a high-energy party we need:

* Hands-on work:

- Wield a sledgehammer and pick axe to pry up the asphalt

- Haul chunks of asphalt in a wheelbarrow to the dumpster

* Tasty food

* Energizing music

* Help in organizing volunteers

* Help organize publicity

* Organize clean-up

* Organize safe participatory activities for kids under 14

* Provide live entertainment - play music

Come to meet great people and add to the merriment!

Invite everyone you know!