Seeking River Herring Monitors

Each spring around 1/2 million river herring migrate from the ocean up the Mystic River to the Mystic Lakes and to Horn Pond. If lined up back-to-back, this would measure up to 100 miles of fish!

The more we know about the river herring the better equipped we are to advocate for a clean and healthy Mystic River, and for this unique species and the wildlife it supports. You can thank the river herring for the return of the Bald Eagles to the Mystic Lakes — they're a great food source for eagles, osprey, herons, and more! You are invited to participate in this wildlife migration by monitoring the herring. Some basics about the program:

  • What will you be doing? Counting fish as they pass through the Mystic Lakes fish ladder OR counting fish as they swim up the spillway at Horn Pond

  • Where does monitoring take place? You can monitor at the Mystic Lakes Dam in Medford or Horn Pond in Woburn.

  • When does monitoring occur? The monitoring season is:

    • Mystic Lakes → Sunday, April 6th to Saturday, June 28th

    • Horn Pond → Sunday, April 13th to Saturday, June 21st

    Choose a shift (or two) that works with your schedule and monitor once a week during the season — for 10 minutes during your selected hour. If you can't attend, let us know and we will find a substitute.

  • How do I become a monitor? Sign up below to claim your spot.

  • When are the trainings — Mystic Lakes , March 20th at 7pm (Zoom) / Horn Pond, March 27th at 7pm (Zoom). We will also hold in-person drop-in hours at both locations for new monitors to observe the monitoring protocol (dates TBD)

  • Can I monitor with my child or a partner? Yes! We just ask that your monitoring partner watch the training and sign a partner waiver. For children, please note the following age requirements for the different monitoring sites:

    • Horn Pond: any age can participate. Volunteers 17 and under must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

    • Mystic Lakes: a minor aged 12 and older may participate with a parent or guardian present. Minors must wear a life jacket while on the fish ladder.


  • There are two unique sites — Mystic Lakes and Horn Pond. You may select a time slot for one or both sites.   

  • Only available time slots will be visible. They are available first-come, first-serve.  

  • The time slot you choose is your shift for the entire monitoring season! As a herring monitor, we ask that you go once a week during your assigned hour to count fish. For example, if you sign up for Saturday 2PM, you would come on Saturday’s during the window of 2-3pm.

  • The form limits your response to one shift at each site. If you would like another shift please reach out to

  • Please verify that you have selected the correct location and time slot before submitting.

Happy monitoring!