Meet mystic ambassador Sushant Bajracharya

MyRWA is pleased to welcome Sushant Bajracharya as the new Mystic Ambassador under the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Urban Waters Partnership program. 

Right now, 20 rivers in the United States are part of the EPA Urban Waters Federal Partnership program including the Mystic River. The goal of the program is to reconnect urban communities, particularly those that are overburdened or economically distressed, with their waterways to become stewards for clean urban waters.  

Sushant Bajracharya, who started his tenure on August 9, 2021, is the second-ever Ambassador for the Mystic River, and the first one hosted at the Mystic River Watershed Association (MyRWA). In his role, Sushant will identify, build and maintain partnership and collaborative opportunities between federal and municipal partner agencies, the Urban Waters Learning Network, municipalities and communities in the Mystic River Watershed. Additionally, Sushant will lead the Trash Free Mystic program to help stop litter before it gets into our rivers, lakes, ponds and ultimately the ocean.   

“EPA is very pleased to welcome Sushant to the Mystic River watershed community as the new Urban Waters Federal Partnership Ambassador, and to be able to support this important position,” said Mel Cote, Surface Water Branch Chief, EPA Region 1. “We also are excited about the new partnership between the Mystic River Watershed Association, which will host him, and the Massachusetts Bays National Estuary Partnership, through which we provide the funding.”

Sushant became passionate about environmental science and climate change issues when he saw an efflux migration of Nepali youth to the middle east countries due to climate induced weather extremes in Nepal. Since then, Sushant has worked in numerous climate impacts and adaptation projects with private, nonprofit and government agencies both in Nepal and the United States.  

“I am really excited to use the diverse skills, knowledge and experiences I have gained over the years to the Ambassador role. I am very delighted to be part of this amazing team, “ said Sushant.

Most recently, Sushant graduated from Clark University in 2020 with a Masters in Environmental Science and Policy concentration in Climate Change, Impacts and Adaptation. He has a Bachelors in Business Administration and Office Management from Apex College.

 “We are thrilled that the EPA is investing in the Mystic through the Partnership program, and excited to welcome Sushant to the team,” said Patrick Herron, Executive Director of the Mystic River Watershed Association. “Sushant brings a wealth of knowledge, experience and passion to this work, and we are excited to continue to invest in this important river and watershed.”

If you have any questions about the EPA Urban Watershed Partnership program or trash issues in the Mystic, please feel free to reach out to Sushant at