Guest Post: My Birthday Matters

By Cynthia J. Tollen

Several years ago, when I was looking forward to my birthday, it occurred to me that I wanted my birthday to have meaning not just to me, but to others as well. I started a program where I gave a gift to someone I admired, and wanted to honor, because the best gift you can get is the one you give. It's true, and I can testify to the fact that giving or honoring someone or some entity realizes a very special feeling of accomplishment and joy.

This commitment turns the usual birthday scenario of receiving gifts from others one one's special day, and of course, that is rewarding in its own way, but nothing beats the feeling of having made another person's or organization's life richer. It's the best way to give special importance to your own birthday.

I remember the people to whom I honored on my day, and the joy it brought me. When you make a gift to someone or something other than ourselves, it stays with you, years after.

Last year, because I love the Mystic Lakes and River, I decided it would make me very happy to support the Mystic River Watershed Association as my birthday gift. I spend a lot of my free time walking and exploring the Mystic, and I know it takes resources and commitment to keep this precious resource healthy, in addition to usual dues or fund raising. We all have someone or some place that we love, and to give a gift on your birthday is uplifting, for you and for the organization.

That's why I am passing this suggestion along and hope you find it useful and rewarding as well. Besides gifting, no matter how large or small, is an act of charity and goodness. If someone asks you when your birthday rolls around, think of the things you love and mention that a gift to the Friends of the Mystic River would bring a lot of joy to you and to the River. The River knows, and the nature that surrounds it, the River feels the effects of when we keep it clean, when we enjoy it, when we do our part to recognize it is an Eternal Gift to us. It has no birthday of its own, but the spirit of those who have gone before us and those who live now and those who will come after us, live as the Soul of the River. You love the Mystic River and the Mystic River loves you- so make your birthday matter, and share a gift of your own on your special day.

Photos by Cynthia J. Tollen