Make One Call for Climate Change Legislation

January 22nd— “The climate and emissions reduction bill vetoed by Gov. Charlie Baker last week has been refiled by House and Senate leaders in the hopes of quickly returning the legislation to the governor, only this time with the opportunity to override a veto if it comes,” WBUR. Contact your legislators (find them here) and ask them to pass the climate bill bill asap.

January 5th— The Massachusetts Legislature has passed breakthrough climate legislation, Bill S.2995. The bill now moves to the desk of Governor Charlie Baker—and we need your help to ensure he signs it into law. Make a call or write an email. All information below. Thanks for your help!

About the Bill

The legislation sets a 2050 net-zero greenhouse gas emissions limit, as well as statewide limits every five years; increases the requirements for offshore wind energy procurement bringing the statewide total to 5,600 megawatts; requires emission reduction goals for MassSave, the state’s energy efficiency program; and, for the first time, establishes the criteria in a statute that define environmental justice populations.

It also increases support for clean energy workforce development programs including those targeting low-income communities and improves gas pipeline safety.

Make a Call

Call Governor Baker’s Office at 617) 725-4005.

Hello, this is ____ (name) calling from (your town). I’m calling today to ask Governor Baker to take leadership on climate action by signing Bill S.2995, An Act creating a next-generation roadmap for Massachusetts climate policy.

This legislation makes important advances to our current climate action efforts that are critical to ensuring that our communities are protected from the worst effects of climate change. Governor Baker has a huge opportunity to be a leader on this issue and (your town) is counting on him. This is important to me because _______________.

Will Governor Baker stand with his constituents and sign this bill?

[Conclude Conversation] I am happy to follow up with more information over email.  Is there anything else you need from me?

As a resident of (your town) I appreciate Governor Baker's leadership on this important issue.

Write an Email

Email Governor Baker using this portal: 

You can also use this email:

Dear Governor Baker,

I’m [name], your constituent from [your town]. I’m writing today to ask you to take leadership on climate action by signing Bill S.2995, An Act creating a next-generation roadmap for Massachusetts climate policy.

It’s important to me that you sign S.2995. This legislation makes important advances to our current climate action efforts that are critical to ensuring that our communities are protected from the worst effects of climate change. In particular, it: 

  • Writes environmental justice into Massachusetts law and provides new tools and protections for affected neighborhoods.

  • Creates a first-time greenhouse gas emissions standard for municipal lighting plants and imposes a five-year moratorium on biomass. 

  • Allows for a local option "net-zero stretch energy code" and adds 4 energy efficiency seats to the BBRS.

Governor Baker, you have a huge opportunity to be a leader on this issue and (your town) is counting on you. Thank you, in advance for your support and leadership.

Your Constituent,

[Your Name]

[Your address]

Social Media

For examples of what to say on social media and which hashtags to use, check out the Massachusetts’s Climate Action Network (MCAN) page. Thank you to MCAN for the email and phone scripts.