Black Lives Matter

The Mystic River Watershed Association stands united against police brutality and systemic injustice against Black communities. Black lives matter. 

The deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and so many others by the hands of law enforcement have put a mirror up to ourselves as a country and the interlocking systems of oppression. As an environmental organization, we must acknowledge that we cannot have environmental justice or climate justice without deeply incorporating the needs of racial justice. We are responsible for being a part of this civil rights struggle and rejecting the status quo.

Thank you to all the Black-led organizations, allies and protesters who are working tirelessly to bring about this much needed change. The Mystic River Watershed Association commits to:

  • Listen, learn and unlearn from Black communities.

  • Lend our voice, support, and solidarity against police brutality and systemic racial injustice. 

  • Critically review the practices and programs of the Mystic River Watershed Association with a racial equity lens. 

  • Continue this work beyond this moment to institutionalize lasting change. 

Just as we depend on you, our supporters, to improve the environmental conditions of the Mystic River watershed--we are also looking to you to stand in solidarity for racial justice in our watershed and beyond.

MyRWA group signatures June 2020.png