State Budget Proposal: Significant Increases for Environmental Agencies


December 23— The latest budget news from the State House is that the House and Senate both chose to override the Governor's veto on budget increases to DEP, DER, and DCR - restoring the funding increases proposed by the conference committee earlier in December. This is excellent news!

Enormous thanks to all of you who contacted your legislators at various points during the budget process - we encourage you to thank them for prioritizing our natural resources!

December 15— Attention Mystic advocates! 

We need your help to ensure environmental agencies are funded--and critical resources protected.

Last week we shared the Senate Conference Committee's recommended budget increases for environmental protection in Massachusetts. And today--the the governor vetoed them. 

Please write a letter or email, or make a phone call to your Senator asking them to override the Governor's veto and restore the Conference Committee's budget recommendations. Find your Senator here.

Here's a sample script:

“Hello, my name is __________________ and I am a resident of _______________, Massachusetts. I am calling to ask that Representative/ Senator __________________  override Governor Baker's veto on the DEP and DER line items, and urge their colleagues to do the same. 

[Include how important it is to you and your community to have a safe and thriving environment.]

Thank you for your time and consideration.”

Thank you for your help!

December 4— The state legislature's conference committee has released its budget proposal, and the environmental agencies (and river protection) received some significant increases for FY21. Thank you for your help in making this happen!

Here are the numbers:
Department of Environmental Protection admin - $40,000,000
($7,920,000 more than FY20)

Division of Ecological Restoration - $2,600,000
($500,000 more than FY20)

MassWildlife's Natural Heritage & Endangered Species Program - $500,000
($345,779 more than FY20)

Department of Conservation and Recreation - $50,000,000

($2,750,000 more than FY20)
This budget proposal is headed for the Governor's desk. Please take a moment and thank your legislators for supporting the work of these agencies, as they are critical to protecting our water and land. It is especially important to thank those on the conference committee (Senators Rodrigues, Friedman, and O'Connor, and Representatives Garlick, Smola, and Michlewitz - emails are below). Senator Friedman represents part of our watershed.

Thanks to the Mass Rivers Alliance for this important update. And, thank YOU - your advocacy makes a difference!