Phosphorous Reduction: 101 (Virtual) Workshops for Municipalities

What: Free information and discussion sessions on how to make progress to meet the new alternative TMDL for the Mystic River. Sessions will include high level context from EPA and MassDEP, local case examples from within the Mystic Watershed, and time for participant discussion and exploration of the opportunities and challenges of enhancing water quality in the Mystic.

Participants: All municipal staff, community leaders, representatives of non-profits, and volunteers who work on water quality and related topics in the Mystic River Watershed are welcome to attend.

Why Attend: To learn in a casual, interactive setting about strategies for making progress from other Mystic municipalities, EPA and MassDEP Part of a free series being hosted by the US EPA Region 1 and MassDEP to help address phosphorous in the Mystic River watershed.

Hosts: EPA Region 1, MassDEP, and other issue experts are hosting these sessions.

Register for one or all the sessions here!

Session One: Easy to Install & Maintain Green Infrastructure

When: November 2, 2020 @ 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM ET

Presenters: Wayne Chouinard & Emily Sullivan, Arlington; and Jamie Houle, UNH Stormwater Center

Description: How can municipalities start to install affordable, simple to install green infrastructure? Participants will learn about designs being used today in Arlington and other places, along with estimated costs and Phosphorous reduction estimates.

Session Two: Effective Non-structural Practices

When: November 16, 2020 @ 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM ET

Presenters: Catherine Woodbury, Cambridge and Mark Voorhees, EPA Region I

Description: What street sweeping and catchment cleaning regimes work best for reducing Phosphorous? How are Mystic municipalities and others educating their residents about safe fertilizer use? What are some best management strategies to manage leaf litter?

Funding Your Program

When: November 30, 2020 @ 9:00 – 11:00 AM ET

Presenters: Alex Rozycki, Reading; Laura Schifman, MassDEP; and Anne Leiby, EPA Region I Compliance Assistance

Description: How can municipalities fund their stormwater programs? What strategies have worked well in building community awareness and buy in? What is current best practice around stormwater enterprise funds and what can we learn from local communities?

Register for one or all the sessions here!

For more information, contact: