Spy Pond Closed

Spy Pond in Arlington will be chemically treated with the USEPA/MA registered herbicide Sonar® (fluridone) to control nuisance aquatic vegetation on Monday, May 9th, 2016. The pond will be closed to all water uses (including boating, fishing, and swimming) on the day of treatment only. In addition, water from the pond cannot be used for irrigation for a period of 90 days, commencing on the day of treatment. These water use restrictions will be posted with printed signs, placed around the pond shoreline, prior to application.

The pond will be monitored for levels of Sonar herbicide post-treatment. One or two, "booster" Sonar applications may occur after the initial treatment during the period of May and June. These applications will not require restricting normal uses of the pond other than for the 90-day irrigation restriction, which will remain in effect. When the herbicide concentration falls to a level that is safe for irrigation use to resume, the Town will notify any parties that make such a request.

The project is being performed for the Town of Arlington, under a license (permit) issued by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection and an Order of Conditions permit from the Arlington Conservation Commission. Solitude Lake Management is the pond management consultant and contractor to the Town for this project.  Please email any questions to:  tdebenedictis@town.arlington.ma.us