How can you assign a value to a healthy environment? Are you curious about how ecosystem services analysis or other tools in environmental economics could be applied to the Mystic? Please plan on joining Nejem Raheem, Associate Professor in the Department Of Marketing Communication at Emerson College at the Mystic River Watershed Association’s July 5th Committee Meeting. Nejem Raheem has over 10 years of experience as an environmental economist. His expertise is in economic analysis of natural resource and environmental issues, focusing on ecosystem services and traditional or indigenous economies.
This presentation is part of the Mystic River Watershed Association’s monthly Committee Meeting. The meeting begins at 7:00 p.m. on July 5, 2016 at Tufts University, Tisch College of Citizenship & Public Service, Lincoln Filene Hall, Rabb Room, 10 Upper Campus Road, Medford. Free and open to the public!