Registration open for “The Future of Water in Southeastern Massachusetts”

Press Release provided by the Watershed Action Alliance of Southeastern Massachusetts.


Registration is now open for The Future of Water in Southeastern Massachusetts, a one-day conference organized by Watershed Action Alliance in partnership with Plimoth Plantation.  It will be held on Friday, April 24 from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at Plimoth Plantation in Plymouth, MA. To register, click here. For more information, click here.

The conference will provide information and networking opportunities relevant to professionals and volunteers working or interested in water conservation, sustainable water management and river restoration.  Sessions include the four big areas in water conservation: stormwater, drinking water, recreational water and wastewater, as well as three crucial topics in nonprofit endeavors: fundraising, outreach, and science and data collection. For session descriptions and panelist biographies, click here.

The plenary speaker, Eric Walberg, is the Senior Program Leader in Climate Services at Manomet Center for Conservation Sciences. He will discuss past trends and future projections in temperature, precipitation and sea level rise for New England and the ramifications for watershed management.

An exhibit hall will feature displays and posters from nonprofit organizations, government agencies, businesses and students illustrating successes and some of the latest work in research, conservation, river restoration projects and techniques, and more. To register your display or poster, click here.

Water, critical to all of us, requires prudent management, realistic planning and effective regulation for protection of waterways, recreational areas, aquatic wildlife and drinking water. Our water resources are threatened by Increasing population and development pressures in southeastern Massachusetts. It is imperative that we work now to plan for a future with clean and plentiful water, restored rivers with abundant wildlife, and safe and efficient ways to treat wastewater and stormwater. Join Watershed Action Alliance and others at “The Future of Water in Southeastern Massachusetts” in striving toward this end.

Conference sponsors: Island Foundation, Sheehan Family Foundation, MA Division of Ecological Restoration, Mass Audubon: Shaping the Future of Your Community, Duxbury Cultural Council, Herring Ponds Watershed Association, Horsley Witten Group, Plymouth Area League of Women Voters, Manomet Center for Conservation Sciences, Massachusetts Bays Program, Massachusetts Cultural Council, Neponset River Watershed Association, North and South Rivers Watershed Association, Plymouth Cultural Council, Save the Bay, Six Ponds Improvement Association, Weir River Watershed Association, Wildlands Trust, and Halifax Cultural Council. To become a conference sponsor, click here.

For questions and comments, please email the conference coordinator: