Action Alert: Mystic River Water Quality Commission

As a supporter of the Mystic River Watershed Association, I am writing to ask you once again to reach out to the House Ways and Means Chairman to urge him to release H785 Establishing a Mystic River Water Quality Commission for a vote by the full House. There are only three weeks remaining in this legislative session and an outpouring of support is essential to move this important legislation forward!

Below I have included contact information and sample text for your correspondence with Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee. Thank you in advance for your prompt action!


Representative Brian S. Dempsey
House Ways and Means Chair
State House, Room 243
Boston, MA 02133

Dear Honorable Brian Dempsey,

I am writing to urge you to release H785 Establishing a Mystic River Water Quality Commission for a vote of the full House. This important commission, proposed by Representative Denise Provost and supported by many members of the House, will investigate and study the Mystic River ecosystem. The Mystic River Water Quality Commission will make recommendations to improve water quality conditions to a level that supports fishing, boating, swimming and wildlife. As a resident of the Mystic River Watershed, I feel I deserve clean water!

For too long, impaired water quality and environmental conditions have been overlooked in the Mystic River and its tributaries. This commission will provide critically important support to efforts to restore environmental conditions in the Mystic River in three important ways:

  1. The Commission will elevate the issue of impaired water quality in the Mystic River and will make clear the impact of poor water quality on local ecology and recreational use

  2. The Commission's report will provide a clear understanding of the best and most effective ways to deploy limited local and regional resources and funding

  3. Environmental activists, advocates and concerned State legislators will use the commission's report and findings to strengthen their environmental advocacy.

Much work is already underway and the story of the Mystic River as an important living system and recreational destination has been gaining much momentum. The Mystic River Water Quality Commission will bring important and appropriate attention to this work from the State Legislature and will amplify the efforts of local advocates and State and Federal partners. It will generate further political momentum for legislative action and additional Federal funding that is very much needed to ensure that the Mystic River is included in the successful water quality improvements experienced in Boston Harbor and the Charles River.

Thank you in advance for releasing H785 Establishing a Mystic River Water Quality Commission for a vote of the full House.

Sincerely yours,
(your name)
(your address)


Thank you for taking this important action and for supporting the Mystic River Watershed Association.