Special Event: Urban Trail Map & Activity Guide

Through funding from Massachusetts Environmental Trust (MET), the Mystic River Watershed Association developed an Urban Trail Map for the Mystic River and its tributaries. The goal of this map is to help watershed residents find their way to river access points in order to encourage healthy enjoyment of the river. The map will highlight unique ecological features and environmental conditions from Medford to Chelsea. The map and activity guide will be offered in english and spanish, and provide a structured learning opportunity for families, teachers, and community-based organizations.  

**Special Event** Please join MyRWA and elected officials for the Urban Trail Map and Activity Guide unveiling!

Thursday, July 14th from 1:00 to 3:00pm at Torbert MacDonald Park, Medford.

  • 1:00pm Gather at Torbert MacDonald Park parking lot for a short walk to the presentation site.

  • 1:15pm Presentation of the Mystic River Watershed Urban Trail Map and Activity Guide followed by comments by assembled guests.

  • 2:00pm Test drive the Map and Guide: a short guided walk through Torbert MacDonald Park.