Friends of Alewife Reservation Hosts Volunteers to DCR Park Serve Day

Friends of Alewife Reservation (FAR) announces April 16th cleanup!


Saturday April 16, 2011, 9AM to 2PM


During this statewide day of volunteer service, we will work together to get the Alewife Reservation ready for summer by cleaning the park and clearing the trails! BONUS: At 1PM we will be treated to a wildlife walk guided by naturalist Steve Gillies, who will help us spot birds and various mammals and observe the blooming spring plant growth.


Alewife T stop at Friends of Alewife Reservation Kiosk. (across the street from passenger pick up)


  • FAR provides gloves and equipment

  • Wear sturdy shoes and work clothes and consider bringing sunscreen and insect repellent (FAR has some)

  • Bring a water bottle and a snack!


  • To sign up for Park Serve Day, and to see a list of all the projects, go online to

  • Also register with FAR for desired clean-up sight for you or your group

  • FAR welcomes your participation even if you are unable to sign up


New Alewife Reservation Parking Lot at Discovery Park

Driving to the parking
Drive west on Route 2 from Cambridge, to Belmont end of Lake Street. Turn left at underpass and immediate left again on Frontage Road to Discovery Park (large sign). Turn right onto Acorn Park Drive and go to end where there is a 20-space parking lot for Alewife Reservation visitors.
Park (up to 4 hours).

Walking from the parking — to meeting places
Walk across bridge back towards Alewife T stop for meeting places to begin birding walks, educational tours or clean ups.

Dodge Co. Parking Lot — 165 Cambridge Park Drive

Driving to the parking
When coming into Alewife T area from Alewife Brook Parkway, go to red light. Continue down Cambridge Park Drive straight almost to end, to 165 Cambridge Park Drive. Turn right in second Dodge lot where you see cars parked (large willow trees in back). Park in the back of the lot. Your car will be safe. There is a picnic bench to sit. Dodge has been informed that you might be there.

Walking from the parking
From Dodge Co., walk down bikepath to Alewife T entrance, T Passenger Pickup, or Alewife Reservation Kiosk (all within 2 minutes of each other).

Thorndike Field — parking places

Driving to the parking
Take Margaret Street from Lake Street in Arlington.
You can get to Lake Steet from Mass Ave. or Route 2 going west. (Lake Street runs between Route 2 and Mass. Ave.) Drive to the end of Margaret Street (only one way to turn). There are parking places at the athletic fields (Thorndike Field).

Walking from the parking
From Thorndike Field, walk to Minute Man meeting place or Alewife Reservation kiosk or T Passenger Pickup (all within 2 minutes of each other).