MyRWA Conducts Phosphorus Study

On Tuesday July 19, MyRWA conducted intensive phosphorus sampling throughout the watershed.  MyRWA staff and volunteers visited 31 sites, in addition to the 15 baseline sites (where total phosphorus is already collected) previously scheduled the same week.  The purpose of the phosphorus assessment was to get a preliminary snapshot of current phosphorus conditions and to draw attention to any issues that may exist in the watershed.

A statewide phosphorus ban has been proposed in Massachusetts.  This data could provide valuable information about phosphorus levels before and after the proposed phosphorus ban comes into effect.  It could also be used for outreach to cities and towns, urging them to implement their own phosphorous policies and practices.  A more comprehensive phosphorus assessment is planned for spring 2012, when fertilizers are first introduced to lawns and greenspaces.   MyRWA will be posting the results from this study in the fall.

This work is made possible by a funding through the Massachusetts Environmental Trust (MET). Support MET by switching to an environmental license plate today!