The Mystic Monitoring Network Water Quality Manual was designed to provide an explanation of the protocols and procedures for water quality sampling, as well as some background on the parameters being tested. Volunteers are expected to familiarize themselves with these procedures to ensure that the data collected are as accurate as possible.

Upper Mystic Baseline sites

ABR049 - Aberjona River at Salem Street, Woburn
ABR028 - Aberjona River at Washington Street, Winchester 
 - Aberjona River at USGS Gaging Station, Winchester
UPL001 - Upper Mystic Lake at Mystic Lakes Dam, Medford
MIB001 - Mill Brook at Mt. Pleasant Cemetery, Arlington
MYR071 - Mystic River at High Street Bridge, Medford
MEB001 - Meetinghouse Brook at Mystic River, Medford
MAR036 - Malden River at Medford Street Bridge, Malden
ALB006 - Alewife Brook at Broadway Bridge, Somerville
WIB001 - Winn's Brook at Little Pond, Belmont

Lower Mystic Baseline sites

MYR275 - Mystic River at Draw Seven Park, Somerville
MYRMMP - Mystic River at Mary O'Malley Park, Chelsea
MIC004 - Mill Creek at Broadway Bridge, Chelsea/Revere
CHR95S - Chelsea River at Condor Street Urban Wild, East Boston
BEI001 - Bell Inlet at Main St. Belle Isle Seafoods, Winthrop