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Park Serve Day Cleanup at Macdonald Park

  • Torbert Macdonald Park 4253 Mystic Valley Parkway Medford, MA, 02155 United States (map)

As part of the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) Annual Park Serve Day, we will be hosting a cleanup along the Mystic at Torbert Macdonald Park in Medford. The event will be on Saturday, April 26th from 10am to 12pm and all cleanup supplies will be provided. Click the link below to register!

*Note: You must be 6 years or older to participate. Youth aged 6-11 may participate under the direct supervision of a parent or guardian. Youth aged 12-17 may participate without a parent or guardian present at the event but waivers must be signed by a parent or guardian beforehand.

If you have any questions, please email

About Trash-Free Mystic

Most of the trash in the ocean comes from rivers — and the trash in rivers comes from our streets. Each time it rains, trash takes an unexpected journey from the side of the road into our waterways, as part of stormwater pollution. Stormwater (rain) washes everything on the streets into our stormwater system, which releases — you guessed it — into our rivers. By removing litter from parks and paths you are reducing the amount of trash that ends up in the water (think: saving ducks, turtles, whales from eating or getting caught in trash--even ultimately trash in the ocean!). To address this problem, MyRWA launched Trash Free Mystic — a multi-faceted project to stop this trash in its tracks! A main piece of our Trash Free Mystic approach is removing the litter from our parks and paths before it has a chance to enter the river. Join us for a community or self-guided cleanup to contribute to the Trash-Free Mystic effort!