Mystic River Waterfront Vision

Community-based visioning for the Mystic waterfront… we want your input!

Through community engagement and a resident-led Steering Committee, we are developing a waterfront vision for the lower Mystic River (Boston, Cambridge, Chelsea, Everett, Malden, Medford, Somerville, and Revere). The vision will reflect public and private interests to create a thriving, inclusive, and climate resilient waterfront. Coming out of that visioning process is a coalition of people with strong relationships who want this vision to be implemented, as well as a series of neighborhood-scale projects that can be pursued as part of the larger vision. The community engagement phase of the visioning process will take place in the summer and fall of 2024.

This work is supported by the Resilient Mystic Collaborative, Mystic River Watershed Association, Stoss, the Consensus Building Institute, and the City of Chelsea via a MA Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Program grant.

A blue and white map with a river running in the middle. Portions of Boston (Charlestown, East Boston), Chelsea, Everett, Revere, Malden, Medford, Somerville, and Cambridge are outlined with a brown dashed line.

Map of project area in the Lower Mystic River Watershed. The project area includes parts of Boston (Charlestown, East Boston), Chelsea, Everett, Revere, Malden, Medford, Somerville, and Cambridge. Credit: Stoss Landscape Urbanism

Our Objectives and Principles

  1. Protect waterfront communities and vulnerable populations from shoreline and inland flooding

  2. Protect critical infrastructure important to the functioning of basic services

  3. Increase access to cooler, welcoming, public green spaces near the water

  4. Establish effective, equitable public, and coordinated connectivity and access to and along the shoreline

  5. Sustain the local workforce

  6. Preserve thriving neighborhoods, minimize or avoid displacement, and enhance affordable housing

  7. Build value together for community, municipalities, and developers

Our Participatory Approach to Planning:

  • Dialogue: community meetings and roundtable discussions

  • Engagement: surveys and interactive tools

  • Facilitation: public-private agreements, enhancing current developments

  • Design: mapping exercises, spatial analysis

One person writes on a sticky note on a map posted on a wall. Three people observe.

Advisory Committee engagement charette (May 2024). Credit: Consensus Building Institute

Children at a Chinese Cultural Connections event on the Malden River creating their ideal waterfront with 3D kit developed by Stoss (June 2024). Credit: Consensus Building Institute

We want your feedback!

Take our survey here:

Project Partners and Funding

Project Partners: Resilient Mystic Collaborative municipalities supported by the Mystic River Watershed Association, Stoss, Consensus Building Institute, City of Chelsea

Funder: Massachusetts Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Program

Municipal sponsor: City of Chelsea (project lead)