Join our partners, Green Cambridge and Friends of Alewife Reservation for an Earth Day cleanup.
Alewife Reservation, one of the largest urban wilds in metro-Boston, is home to dozens of species of birds, deer, coyotes, muskrats, turtles, and more. After a year of limited cleanups, this sanctuary needs many helping hands to remove trash and debris that have accumulated over the fall and winter.
After brief introductions, safety notes, and an overview of this urban wild, volunteers will don gloves, masks, and trash bags to pickup litter and debris within the wooded sanctuary along Alewife Brook. Gloves and trash bags will be provided, but please wear a mask! (You may bring your own gloves and bags if desired).
We will follow all of the latest COVID guidelines from DCR. As such, advanced registration is required and safety waivers must be reviewed and signed prior to the event. We ask that if you are not feeling well to please stay home.