10:00am Greetings and Introductions
10:10 Featured Municipality: City of Medford Mystic River Projects – Alicia Hunt, Director of Energy & Environment, Environmental Agent, City of Medford
Alicia will discuss green infrastructure projects and planning in the City of Medford; the riverbank work planned for Medford and other similar projects resulting from the oil spill settlement; provide updates on the heavy metal contamination found in Riverbend Park, the Clippership Connector, and a feasibility study of the South Medford Connector bike route funded by the Mass Gaming Commission.
10:40 Opportunity: IndustriPlex Natural Resource Damage (NRD) Settlement – Karen Pelto, Natural Resource Damages Program Coordinator, Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP)
Restoration planning for the IndustriPlex NRD settlement ($4.25 million for ecological restoration in the Aberjona) is getting underway with the formation of a Trustee Council that includes MassDEP, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Karen will discuss types of eligible projects and opportunities for public input, as well as the criteria that will be used to select projects.
11:20 Steering Committee Activities: Subgroup Reports and Discussion
Presentation on Malden River Greenway Plan (status of vision plan, project implementation updates, Chapter 91 advocacy successes) as well as brief updates on planning projects in Somerville, Arlington, Chelsea, and Medford. – Amber Christoffersen, Mystic Greenways Director, MyRWA
Water Quality Subgroup update - WHO
11:40 Current Activities in the Mystic: Participant Updates
Participants will discuss current and upcoming projects or relevant information about activities in the Mystic. Participants should come prepared to flag key topics they are working on that others might be interested in.
EPA Update
11:35 Approval of Notes and Documents
June 2017 Meeting Summary
Mission and Priorities 2017-2019
11:55 Next Steps & Wrap Up
The next Steering Committee meeting will be November 30, 2017, location TBD.
12:00pm Adjourn