Support Herring Education
Our underwater camera has opened a window on a miraculous wildlife migration happening right here in our backyard. Your gift today can help support this citizen science program, restore habitat for herring and even connect youth to nature through our work with dozens of local schools. With your gift today, we will:
- Document with citizen scientists and report out on the herring migration in the Mystic—making the case for even more improvements—such as the latest fish ladder at Center Falls Dam in Winchester and
- Engage dozens of teachers and hundreds of youth through teacher trainings, visits to classrooms and fields trips to the fish ladder to deliver hands-on STEM education.
Medford 3rd graders
Watershed in a box activity
AP class spotting birds at Mystic Lakes dam
Mystic River Watershed Association is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and all contributions are tax-deductible.