Visioning the Mystic Recap

At the 2016 Annual Meeting participants helped define their vision for the Mystic River and its watershed. As part of the activity, attendees worked in small groups to brainstorm their ideas for a cover story twenty years from now – in 2036. Using the recent Boston Magazine article about the Mystic River as inspiration, participants developed their own headline, quote and photo for their 2036 vision.

Themes from across the groups emerged, including abundant wildlife, access, healthy water quality, swimming opportunities and a boat rental facility. Fun and creative headlines were developed, for example: “From the Most Polluted Harbor to Healthiest River in Country,” “Our River is an Honor Student: A+ for Mystic,” “Herring Can Be Fished and Eaten,” “Water Taxi: Assembly Sq. to Boston,” and “Mystic River 4th Annual Triathlon Champion Named.”

The activity informs the Association’s vision for the river and provided an opportunity for staff and members of the Board of Directors to have a dialogue with MyRWA members, volunteers and Mystic enthusiasts about their concerns and dreams for the River. MyRWA is pleased to share that everyone envisioned a positive future for the Mystic!

Thanks to all who attended the meeting and provided their vision – together we will continue to see improvements in and along the Mystic!