Mystic River Storm drain stencil now available

Our streets are closely linked to our waterways. Runoff from our streets carries litter, oil, rubber from tires and other debris into storm drains, many of which empty directly into local waterways. Some people are unaware of this connection, and may dump soapy water, chemicals, car oil, and other substances directly into storm drains. Read more about storm water pollution here.

A great way to educate your community about the function of storm drains - and how they can impact water quality - is to put a "Don't Dump" stencil next to storm drains. Storm drain stencilng is a great activity for community groups and youth.

Download the Mystic River storm drain stencil here!

Before you get started:

  • You'll need to get permission to apply the stencils. Depending on where you'd like to stencil, contact your department of public works or city services office, or property owner.

  • Be sure you have fair weather so the pavement is dry and warm.

  • Stencil in teams to be on the lookout for traffic.

  • Consider contacting the press to alert them of your project.

The Univeristy of Wisconsin Extension has a helpful guide here.

Questions? Contact MyRWA.